Timber Festival 2021

We were delighted to be invited to share the Nature Premium idea at this year's Timber Festival. Following CEO Jon Everitts' welcome, Sarah kicked off the VIP launch event with a big idea from education that could 'immediately help deliver the National Forest's 25-year vision, demonstrating to others that a greener and healthier future is possible'.

We were hugely encouraged that the National Forest chose to begin the whole festival with a discussion on children and nature followed by ideas from the environment sector and the economy. A conversation demonstrating the power of systems thinking, signalling a commitment to improving the lives of future generations, human and non-human.

The next three days were full of conversations, playing and building nature connections as we shared the campaign with festival-goers.

Find out more:

National Forest's Creating a Forest for Learning

Timber Festival 2022


A guest post in ABC Does by Connor – a Nature Premium youth ambassador. 


Tony Juniper